Keepers of the Wild is an animal sanctuary rather than a zoo. The rescue animals, from the wild, from people's homes, from magic acts and circuses, and then restore their health and almost always keep them until they die. They do not breed the animals. They do not sell them. On a rare occasion they are able to rehabilitate them to the wild (birds). They have over 130 animals. Often tigers and lions are declawed before coming to the facility which is very painful for the cats and leads to lifetime health problems.
bear |
emu |
guide said lazy lion but he got up and snorted at Sheri |
tigers |
African tortoise |
llama |
White tiger |
Singing dog |
bobcat |
We took the tour which gave us a tour guide who told stories of how different animals came to be in the park. The had many emu from a failed farming operation who just released them to the desert. I guess in Nevada it is legal to have exotic animals and many have been rescued from there. Some were picture animals (cubs who could sit on a lap for a picture) who became too old and/or too wild. Some were rescued from the wild after having been injured.
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